Merger & acquisition (M&A) are strategic moves that companies consider to expand their footprint into the market. Merger means coming together two or more companies to club their business in every possible way whereas acquisition means one big company takes over the small company(s). In both the cases, you may think businesses are combining either we do the merger or the acquisition but the motive behind this is abnormal. Merger is done in good faith, here both of the companies execute with their own consent. However, acquisition is not done in good faith, various strategies are considered by the acquirer company. We have scrubbed the data of top 5 M&As sector-wise which are to be proposed & held in 2018. Simplification is done by segregating the deals into background before/behind merger, financials & benefits after merger. Photo credit - Google Images :: :: Banking Sector Mega Merger of stressed PSU banks :- Bank of Baroda, Ori...
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